Here is the Physical Education Blog. Through this page, we provide you with a simple way to access not only the contents that may be of interest to you but also the information required to carry out the work and to participate in the activities related to our Department. We hope you enjoy it and invite you to be part of this project by putting forward your contributions, suggestions or comments.

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012


Material required everyday:

-Bring all required material to class:
Wear a tracksuit and trainers. Don’t come to class without sports shoes or with untied laces.

  -Personal hygiene is very important. Come clean from home and wash after the class. You will need: shower gel, towel, deodorant and a change of t-shirt.

 -Keep hair out of your face or eyes.
Do not wear any rings, chains, watches or objects that might harm you or anyone else.

-Safety in class is essential. You must pay special attention to safety and ready aid.

Taking care of equipment and installations:

 -Use the material correctly so as not to deteriorate it and avoid any accidents.

-Keep the PE area clean.

Normal running of the class

 -Go to and from the gym or tracks quickly and in silence. It is very important to be on time

-If you need to go to the toilet, always go before or after the class.

 -If you attend class, but cannot take part because of a problem or injury, you must bring an absenteeism document signed by a parent or guardian.

 -Respect the right of the teacher and classmates to speak

-Help to tidy up and put the PE material  away after every session

Play fair

-Respect games and sports rules.

- Allow equal opportunity for others to participate.

 -Have the right attitude toward others. Take no action that would hurt the feelings of others. Be respectful to each other. Be patient to the others.

-You must take an active part in all class activities, no matter whether you like them or not.



 -Have a good breakfast before you come,
 and have fun !!!


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