Here is the Physical Education Blog. Through this page, we provide you with a simple way to access not only the contents that may be of interest to you but also the information required to carry out the work and to participate in the activities related to our Department. We hope you enjoy it and invite you to be part of this project by putting forward your contributions, suggestions or comments.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012


 They are very important to describe all the exercises we do in class:
To stand: estar de pie  ( to stand up: levantarse )
To sit: sentarse                          
To lie: echarse
To walk: caminar
To run: correr 
To sprint: correr rápido
To slow down: ir más despacio
To hurry up: darse prisa
To chase: perseguir
To follow: seguir
To tilt: inclinar
To turn: girar
To bend: doblar  
To pass: pasar
To receive: recibir
To throw: lanzar
To carry  (or to transport): transportar
To steal: robar (stealing tails game)
To push: empujar
To pull: tirar (de una cosa)
To form a line: formar una fila o línea
To form a semi-circle: un semicírculo
To form pairs: hacer parejas
To form groups of three/four... : hacer grupos de tres o cuatro 

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